Producing with VVP

Hi there! All of us here are very excited that you are interested in producing with Vanderbilt Video Productions. Through VVP, you have access to our studio, equipment, and staff in creating whatever type of visual media project you are interested in. Membership in VVP is not required to produce with us, but we encourage you to check in on emails and our groupme ( to stay involved.

To get started producing, if you are already familiar with the studio and equipment, just fill out the reservation form below. However, if you need some training before this step, please visit our Training Materials page, or reach out to

Lastly, VVP is very passionate about helping you create your work, which includes getting it to a final stage and sharing it with the world! This being said, any content produced with VVP will be published on the VVP YouTube. Nonetheless, you can post your content anywhere you would like as well!

Happy producing!

VVP Producer Forms

Vanderbilt Video Productions Studio & Equipment Reservation Form

VVP STUDIO RESERVATION & OFFICE HOURS CALENDAR (make sure to include your name and project in the notes!)